
Green GeneratorGenerators are a critical component in emergency power design.  Generators can support buildings or specific equipment during a power outage.  They are designed to turn on and support the load after power has been interrupted.  To provide uninterrupted power a generator will need to be paired with a UPS but are capable of supplying reliable emergency power for much longer than what the UPS can provide.  Where a UPS is limited by available battery power, generators are only limited by their fuel level (Diesel or Natural Gas).

Servicing your generator is critical for its reliable continued operation.  Because generators are essentially large engines, they require all the basic maintenance every vehicle needs to stay running. This maintenance is essential and includes, Load Testing, Oil changes, battery testing, and inspection of critical components. 

Automatic Transfer Switch

Along with the Generator, the Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) also needs to be checked.  The ATS manages the transfer of power from the utility to generator and back.  Without a functioning ATS, a generator may never start, the load may never transfer which causes the load to drop, and equipment can be damaged.

Generators, ATS, and UPS are the backbone of your facility’s critical infrastructure. By having this equipment and keeping it equipment in top shape, provides the wisest investment in your facility’s ability to overcome any power problem.  Choosing a service company that will manage, coordinate and service all your equipment is the best way to ensure everything works when needed.  At Tech Connect you will have our entire team managing the details of your site, coordinating service and repairs between all your equipment, and providing the expertise you need to keep your facility online and keep your equipment in top shape.

We provide complete solutions for exactly what you need. Diesel and Natural Gas generator sets (Gen Sets), automatic transfer switches, switchgear, digital paralleling and networking. In addition, we offer you a broad range of services before, during and after the installation, and 24/7 global support. Together, these complete systems and expert services deliver your complete Power Solution.

Kohler Generators
Cummins Power Generation
Energy Power Systems


Diesel C Series: 10kW – 125kW

Diesel 150kW – 3500kW and are configured more according to engineering bid/spec specifications.
Gas C Series: 20kW – 150kW,   175kW+  are available but are custom built.
Air cooled (pre-configured) 13kW, 17kW, 20kW

Diesel Generator
Diesel and Natural Gas Generator


Bullet Point EPA compliant for standby applications
Bullet Point UL Listed
Bullet Point Seismic Certified
Bullet Point Prototype Tested
Bullet Point NFPA 110 level 1 capable (with appropriate configuration options)
Bullet Point PMG capable
Bullet Point AmpSentry Protective Relay (on most Power Command Controls)
Bullet Point Remote Monitoring
Bullet Point Stamford Newage Alternators
Bullet Point Weather, Level 1, 2, (and 3 on some models) sound attenuated enclosure options.
Bullet Point Skid mount only options with 3 different muffler options
Bullet Point Standard and Extended Warranty Options
Bullet Point Start-up and Testing Options utilizing Cummins PG Technicians
Bullet Point PM servicing agreements


Bullet Point UL Listed
Bullet Point NFPA 110 Level 1 Capable
Bullet Point Seismic Certified
Bullet Point Open, Closed, and Bullet Point Bypass Isolation Options
Bullet Point Remote Monitoring capable (depending on the model)
Bullet Point Service Entrance and Non-Service Entrance Rated
Bullet Point Amperage sizes ranging from 40amp – 4000amp (depending on model)



Generators are a critical component in emergency power design.  They are used to support buildings or equipment for longer periods of time than other back ups. UPS battery design is a short-term solution that bridges the gap until a generator can start.  Because a generator is unable to turn on and transfer immediately in a power outage, the ideal solution is to pair a Generator with a UPS. Many companies have both to insure redundancy. Generators will run as long as they have fuel.  With refueling options and tank sizes, it’s possible to run days and weeks (and longer) on generator power. Generator power provides a controlled, stable power and reliable alternative to utility sources.


In order to keep your Uninterruptible Power Supply in optimal shape,  you need to care for it as you would anything else of value.

Critical power equipment needs routine maintenance inspections to ensure all components are operating at full capacity, especially the batteries!  Routine inspections can ensure reliability and extend the life of your UPS equipment.

A generator provides continual power as long as it has fuel. If you have experienced lengthy outages and you can't afford to have them, you need a generator. With a UPS, there is not a break in power, but it is limited to battery runtime. The generator takes 5-10 seconds to start, but it can run forever. This is why both are needed for a complete critical power solution. Please contact one of our sales engineers to find out what you need.